About Sandesh...

A proud citizen of India living in the city of Pune. A software engineer by profession with more than decade of software development experience, currently innovating at Vmware. An active social worker associated with one of the biggest NGOs in the world, the Art of Living. Thanks for visiting my blog, leave me a comment if you like what I scribble here!

Friday, June 29, 2012

YES!+ DSN Simplified

            Questions are many but answers don't come easy

Q1. What a blast of a course YES!+ was! I don't feel the same high now. How should I maintain it in my life?

Q2. I did the YES!+ course, not  more than a couple of months ago. Am I too early for DSN?

Q3. I am not regular even with Sudarshan Kriya practice! Whats the point doing one more course?

Q4. I really want to do it this time, I have been postponing it since ages. Its just not happening yaa...:-( what to do?

Q5. I am convinced I must do it, but my parents are not allowing na...:-( How do i convince them?

Q6. I can't get leave at this point of time. How do I talk to my boss?

Q7. Admissions are happening on the same dates 5-8 July, else I would have been the first person to enroll. When is the next one?

Q8. I have done it already, not once but four times! Do you think I need it?

Q9. Why is it Rs 3750 ... so expensive? I don't have the money. Can i get a discount?

Q10. DSN is a great course, now my college has started, so I shall do it in the vacations. Thik hai na?

Q11. I am going out of station for a holiday with my family/friends. 

Q12. I want to do DSN but how can I miss my best friends wedding.

Q13. Its a very busy time of my life. How do i manage 3.5 days...I mean Thu evening is fine, but Fri, Sat n Sun full days? 

If any of the above sentences, rather bitter truths, bear a close resemblance to somebody living in
 body to which the eyes reading this belong, then DSN is a desperate emergency need for you
[if you understood the above line, congratulations, you just cleared the aptitude test for getting admission for DSN]

yenna rascala...oops, sorry ....Rajni calling again and again, wants to enroll for DSN (I told him, not now, we already have enough jokers wanting to enroll)

If you have an IQ of room temperature in winter, you will surely not ask for the contents of the course.
[if you understood the above line, congratulations, you just cleared the technical interview for getting admission for DSN....yyyeeeaaahhhh YOU ARE VERY CLOSE NOW!!!]

The Course will be conducted by senior Art Of Living Teacher Saleel Pulekar 

If by now you have made the decision of doing the DSN, then we trust you have the brains to find out other details like venue, timings, volunteer contact numbers etc.

Now please don't expect us to write that final line of appeal, HURRY...FEW SEATS LEFT...ha ha ha .. :-)

Jai Gurudev !!!

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