About Sandesh...

A proud citizen of India living in the city of Pune. A software engineer by profession with more than decade of software development experience, currently innovating at Vmware. An active social worker associated with one of the biggest NGOs in the world, the Art of Living. Thanks for visiting my blog, leave me a comment if you like what I scribble here!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Soccer days are back again!

It has been more than a couple of years since I played in a professional football tournament. My efforts to build a team at the last employer in Bangalore did not work out and I had to be contented with playing amateur games at the stadium next to my residence in jayanagar....

So when I recently moved to Pune, the first thing I did was to start regular practice sessions on weekends at the nearby VIT college grounds. Then even Marvell guys started practising on Sundays with a paid coach n all and finally we gave our entry in the fist IT soccer tournament of the year playing as joint team representating Marvell-StarentNetworks....

So here is a snap from the post-match photo session taken by our ever-enthu lens man Shailendra...

1 comment:

Ashish said...

areee waaaa...
ani pawat football practice mhanje full dhamalach asel re...