From our Staff Reporter:
Press offices in Nagar were flooded with calls from panic stricken residents in and around Savedi, Ahmednagar during the weekend and many of them reported 'hearing the roar of lions', 'earth trembling as though a herd of elephants were marching through', etc, etc. Our reporter who visited the scene saw a congregation of 180 men and women who were ready to take on the world and recounting several miraculous experiences. There were stories of blind gaining sight, deaf being able to hear and paralyzed people walking straight and tall. We learned that these were people who were blind to the woes of the world around them, deaf to the cries for help and paralyzed due to their own fears and inhibitions which prevented them from walking the spiritual path.
The whole atmosphere was charged with energy and enthusiasm with people singing and dancing and radiating the positive energy all around. Our reporter met Shri. Anand Rajendran, the one man army, who, in a most unassuming manner credited all these events to the grace of his master, Poojya Sri Sri Ravishankar-ji.
YES ... we had Ahmednagar rocking for the whole of three and a half days after a thunderbolt in the form of Anand-ji hit the Ganga Lawns hall and shook people out of their cocoons transforming them into roaring lions and lionesses. From the very moment he walked into the hall amazing things started to happen (I guess this part shouldn't be a surprise to all those who have been fortunate to do the DSN with Anand-ji) and it was a privilege to be present there witnessing the way the buds were blossoming into beautiful flowers spreading their fragrance all around. Now that DSN is over, a new life has begun for the team of dedicated Seva Warriors and we will keep you posted as we continue to make further progress in our endeavors. Some of the interesting coming to hit Nagar include… Mega-Part1 course with Mahesh Giriji and a Part-2 course with Rishi Nitya Pragyaji!!!
For more information about courses and activities in upcoming days in Nagar contact Nagar TC Shri Padmakar Kulkarni +91-9422223329.
For next DSN with Anandji in Pune contact Tejal 9970153953.
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