About Sandesh...

A proud citizen of India living in the city of Pune. A software engineer by profession with more than decade of software development experience, currently innovating at Vmware. An active social worker associated with one of the biggest NGOs in the world, the Art of Living. Thanks for visiting my blog, leave me a comment if you like what I scribble here!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Product Review - Khadi Soap

This is the first time I am venturing into writing a product review on my personal blog. The reason is...
I have just fallen in love with this product... which is nothing but a simple bathing soap! :-):-):-)
I recently bumped into these little bundles of joy in D-Mart and instictively picked up a few of these colorful fragrant bars packed frugally in merely an ultrathin transparent film. Barring the price tag of Rs 68/- everything else about it is very tempting. The name, the touch, the colors, the fragrance, and the fact that they are made from essential fruit extracts and contain no artificial contents and chemicals whatsoever. And the biggest of it all, these soaps are manufactured by the members of gramodyog (village-based small-scale industries) which means its good for the economy of our country. With rupee steadily falling against the dollar day by day, can there be a better way other than to adopt "SWADESHI" products to minimize the imports and boost the local economy???

The flavors which I bought for the first time were mixed-fruit and strawberry. There are many more in the stores such as neem tulsi, almond, lemon, and many more...

The mixed-fruit one is so cute that you feel like eating it the moment you look at it :-) The only drawback I found with the soap is that it gets consumed at a rate much faster than that of other branded soaps in the market. This must be owing to the fact that these other soaps contain chemical compounds which make them last longer. So it's a choice than one has to consciously make... that of using a chemical-free eco-friendly Made-in-India product instead of cheaper artificial ones from bigger brands ruling the FMCG market.

So why am I investing my time & energy to promote this product? I would rather give a few extra bucks to fellow Indian villagers than giving those to conglomerates which spend millions of buckson advertising to sell me a blob of artificial chemicals! If you have read this far, then I have only one advise for you... GO BUY THIS SOAP!!!

And if you like it after using it, do what I am doing here:-)

The soaps are available in local supermarket chains such as D-Mart where I got them. To order online visit http://www.khadinatural.com/

Have you been fascinated by any swadeshi product off late?
Happy Bathing;-)

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